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Hellboy II - The Golden Army

n0mad's picture

Get in early f0r tickets f0r Australian September Release..
Maybe the best Pic 0n this year at the Cinema……

Pale dude l00ks like me 0n a Sunday m0rning :)


HarassmentPanda's picture

Still haven't seen the origional

Will have to check it out first eh.

Haven't seen the first..

Haven’t seen the first one either. The 2nd one looks original though, trailer looks like it scrapped the 1st movie.

Hashy's picture

Yeah should be good,

Yeah should be good, didn’t expect them to make a second one, not because the first movie wasn’t good, just unexpected.

This one just MIGHT drag me off to the cinemas for a change. ;)

Kazozza's picture

While it’s not on my top 3

While it’s not on my top 3 movies to see of the year (Ironman and The Dark Knight didn’t disappoint…. Indy sure did), I’ll be seeing it. I liked the first one. If it’s anything like that, it’ll be worth seeing =)

Sha8doW's picture

the 1st movie

FYI, the 1st Hellboy is programmed to be on free to air Saturday 6th Sept

Now, comics is an area of which i would refer to myself as a “subject matter expert”, now although hellboy is definitely NOT one of my most highly rated comic/movie, it is worth a watch. The story is somewhat different and the characters and concepts are original… as original as you can get after 60 odd years of comics

it also is one of the few newer comics which raises some moral questions…. are people born inherently evil? or is it life’s experience.

HarassmentPanda's picture


Very cool, thanks for the heads up mate

n0mad's picture

Hellboy Animated

After the origonal Hellboy Movie, Two Cartoons were made;

Sword of Storms
Blood And Iron

Both are excellent if you like heelboy and you can easily forget there cartoons as the stories
showcased are better then the origonal film as the backstory of the characters is already there and it’s straight into the action…….

Sword of Storms I watched over and over and reminded me of the many Manga films i’ved watched
(Yes i have seen them all)

Anyway check out ya local Video Store and manga section
Also check out for the full story

I think it’s time I C Spawn the movie again……..

Manga Manga Manga………

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